For over 7 years, I worked on the Wendy’s brand, including our social tone on Twitter.

Wendy’s Twitter has become news, pop culture, rap lyrics, and more fucking Bored Panda “21 times Wendy’s Savagely Roasted the Internet” listicles than humanly quantifiable. It has been the subject matter of PHD theses, and agency strategists have cited it in briefs for other brands. Here’s some of the content I worked on.

wendy’s national roast day 2021

We did the unthinkable… a social media holiday talked about by people outside of the social media industry.

Our team spent the day roasting fans, brands and celebs.


Some of my contributions.

wendy’s Twitter - NATIONAL ROAST DAY 2019

Couple of mine


Bronze: Social Behavior and Cultural Insight



random VIRAL One-offs

So I drove to Walmart bought the exact same rug, got a baked potato and recreated it from a burner.

One time a Walmart community manager got so creepy in the replies it went viral.

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